NYPD Museum Event

Our visit to the N.Y.P.D. Museum on February 15th can be characterized as various organizations coming together to support the ShelterBox program. Program chairs Larry Palant and Susanne Gellert provided a demo of the ShelterBox program. Rotarians from Riverdale, Bronx, N.Y Metro, Rotoract Club of Columbia University helped raise $330 in a raffle. The raffle Read more about NYPD Museum Event[…]

Learn more about Shelter Box

Join us on February 15 to raise funds for Shelter Box. ShelterBox is the premier international aid organization that provides emergency shelter and life-saving equipment following disasters such as earthquake, volcano, flood, hurricane, cyclone, tsunami or conflict. Every year, hundreds of thousands of families across the world lose everything when disasters strike. Through no fault Read more about Learn more about Shelter Box[…]

February 15: Area 7 Event at the NYPD Museum

The Rotary Club of Wall Street is co-hosting a special presentation and Social with the Area 7 Rotary, Rotaract and Interact clubs at the N.Y.P.D. Police Museum. http://www.nycpm.org Join us on Wednesday, February 15 from 6 pm – 8 pm for this special event. Community Affairs Speaker Police Officer John Chiam will talk about: -Personal Read more about February 15: Area 7 Event at the NYPD Museum[…]

April 11: Drink Better Than Don Draper: Mastering the favorite cocktail of the hit show, Mad Men

Rotary presentation by Ford Mixology Lab, New York
Our Mission:
We are here to help you rediscover a truly unique American craft, one we insist you learn yourself. We are here to show you how to mix drinks. We are classicists. Mixing up greatness starts with a solid foundation, one that has already been laid out by intrepid imbibers of yore. Americans are once again taking pride in cocktails and the craft of bar tending. This makes us happy. After all, there is nothing more quintessentially American than the cocktail: a tempered mixture of ?ery spirits that somehow becomes, undoubtedly, greater than its individual parts. What appears to be magic in a glass spawns mystery and intrigue. Fleeting essence and well-guarded whispers. A secret knock or a password. Never-mind all
that. The best cocktails do not live behind speakeasy doors, they live behind your own.
And guess what? They are easy to make.

Pre-pay for our Multi-Club Social on January 18

Join us on Wednesday, January 18 for a multi-club social at India House co-sponsored with the Rotaract UN Club.
Unlimited Italian Station (baked stuffed clams, pasta, sausage and peppers,salad etc.)
$15 for 2 hours. (pre-pay with credit card, cash only at the door)
Drinks are a Cash Bar.
Click here to pre-pay or donate with your credit card.
The room is beautiful!
India House
1 Hanover Sq
New York, NY 10004-2698
We will be collecting donations and holding a raffle to benefit the Ronald McDonald House of NYC.
Ronald McDonald House New York provides a temporary “home-away-from-home” for pediatric cancer patients and their families. They support each family and coordinate emotional and physical services, psychological care, ministry support, wellness programs, tutors, music, art, transportation, activities for siblings, holiday and birthday parties and camaraderie for parents struggling with their child’s cancer diagnosis.

Ronald McDonald House NYC – Maggie & Sarah’s Story

Maggie Miller was trying to comfort her 9 month old daughter Sarah as she cried uncontrollably in pain. As she was holding her, she noticed tiny bruises all over Sarah’s body. Like any loving mother, Maggie took her daughter to the hospital to take every precaution. That’s when she found out something was terribly wrong. Sarah’s white blood cell count was abnormally high and her red and platelet counts were low. Sarah needed an emergency blood transfusion that day and remained in the hospital for the next 30 days because her situation was so critical.
As if Sarah’s illness wasn’t enough heartache, Maggie found that they would have to leave their home and support network in upstate New York and seek special cutting-edge cancer treatment in New York City.

November 2nd Panel Discussion: Outsourcing – how has it affected you?

Outsourcing: How has it affected you and what does the future hold for the Americas, Europe and AsiaPac? Our meeting on November 2nd will feature a panel discussion by three experts representing the Legal, Technology Management and Global Sourcing industries. Please join us to understand: Why is outsourcing and near shoring having a dramatic effect on Read more about November 2nd Panel Discussion: Outsourcing – how has it affected you?[…]

Stories of Hope – a Nomi Network Event

Last May, our second annual Film Screening of the Nomi Network’s film REDLIGHT, was a great success.The Nomi Network’s Executive Team and Board invites you to the 2011 Cocktail & Awards Ceremony: Stories of Hope Wednesday, October 12th The Scandinavia House, 58 Park Avenue, NY, NY VIP Reception 6:00-7:00 PM Cocktails and Awards 7:00-9:30 PM Read more about Stories of Hope – a Nomi Network Event[…]