The YLC project is an initiative started by the Rotary Club of Wall Street (RCWS) in early 2013. It consists of the RCWS partnering with New York City high schools to create Youth Leadership Councils in those schools. The ultimate goal would be for other Rotary Clubs to adopt the model pioneered by the RCWS and to create Youth Leadership Councils in high schools within their respective communities. The initiative falls under the RI ‘Basic Education and Literacy’ Avenue of Services.
The objectives of YLCs are to identify representatives from within the student body who, through their example and leadership, will serve as positive role models for their respective peers with the ultimate goals of:
• Character education.
• Creation of a bullying-free environment.
• Reducing acts of violence.
• Reducing the use of substance abuse.
• Providing complementary educational opportunities.
• Creating links between the schools and the respective business communities.