Don’t Walk By – Volunteers Needed

Support our partners at The Bowery Mission with their Don’t Walk By campaign.


Don’t Walk By (DWB) is an annual outreach in New York City where volunteers walk through each street in Manhattan each winter on a search and rescue mission for the homeless. Volunteers seek to offer every single homeless person or those in need food, warm clothing, a blanket and the opportunity to get off the streets and enter a shelter and residential program.

Our Vision: Through an alliance of influential organizations, volunteers, outreach experts and resource providers, see that every man and woman living on Manhattan’s streets is offered a chance to transform their lives.

Click here for info on Volunteer sign up:

Types of Volunteers:

Street Engagement
Walks a 10×10 block radius with team on search and rescue mission to find the homeless, and offer them a ride back to the anchor church for food, meal, clothes, etc.
Must be at least 18 yrs old to qualify

Subway Engagement

Rides a subway line with team on search and rescue mission to find the homeless, and offer them a ride back to the anchor church for food, meal, clothes, etc.
Must be at least 18 yrs old to qualify

Team Leader (Street Engagement or Subway Engagement)
Leads a team of the above mentioned volunteers with map, homeless tracking info, and transportation contacts.
Must attend a team leader training and will be prompted to select one of 2 dates during registration
Must be at least 25 yrs old to qualify

Works at the anchor church to provide a smile, meal, clothing, medical treatment, resources, and more to the homeless guests that arrive off the streets.
Must be at least 16 yrs old to qualify

Medical Professionals
We also need medically trained professionals.
If you would like to volunteer in this way, please contact Jaime Hayes directly at

We always need more vans to help with transportation during the outreach. If your church/family/organization has a van, minivan, and can offer a driver, please contact David Van Fleet directly at

Click here for info on Volunteer sign up:

February 15 Sign Up

March 1 Sign Up