The TRUTH about Stress: Stress is all around us. But you don’t have to be a victim to it.
Join Dr. Karen Sherman, Psychologist and author of “Mindfulness and The Art of Choice: Transform Your Life” as she provides you with vital information about stress and offers you practical tools to deal with it.
My website is
Dr. Karen Sherman is a licensed psychologist in NY. She’s had a private practice for 25 years with specialties in relationships, assisting people achieve their greatest potential, and stress management.
Her first book, Marriage Magic! Find It, Keep It, and Make It Last helps long-term couples revitalize their relationships. Her second book, Mindfulness and The Art of Choice: Transform Your Life, is an award winning book, that focuses on enabling people to let go of their wired-in automatic responses from their past in order to live a life of their choosing.
Additionally, Karen has been a contributor to a number of books: Complete Marriage Counselor, 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life ( Vol.2 ), Power of Persistence, Recovering the Self ( Vol. 2, #3), and I am Bound and Determined.
As a speaker, she also offers workshops and teleseminars on these topics. She a frequent guest on inter and national radio and her expert opinion has appeared in numerous publications.
Aside from blogging for, Karen writes for and is a featured writer on Yahoo Personals. She serves on the faculty of an undergraduate department in psychology at a local university. Karen and her husband of 36 years have 2 daughters, a son-in-law and 2 grandkids.
Wednesday, March 7
Time: 5:45pm registration starts, 6:00pm meeting starts
Place: The Downtown Association, 60 Pine Street
Cost: $25 per person; $20 member of Rotary Club of Wall Street
Includes: Wine, Cheese, and some snacks (soft drinks available)
Business dress required (no jeans)