NEW YORK CARES DAY 2011 – Registration is now open!

Please join the Rotary Metro NYC team for the consecutive 9th year on Saturday, October 15th, 2011 from 9:30 a.m. to ~3:00 p.m.
Along with thousands of volunteers, we’ll give the public schools of NYC a freshening up as the kids are heading into the winter days. The purpose of New York Cares Day is to make about 100 New York City public schools cleaner and brighter places for the education of the city’s children. In just one day, we can put a smile on the faces of hundreds of school kids by donating our time and enthusiasm; volunteers are estimated to deliver $1 million in service at a time when public schools desperately need every New Yorkers’ support.
This is always a fun event and a great opportunity to work with our fellow Rotarians to do some hands-on work in our community. There is a $20 mandatory (tax deductible) donation that helps cover the cost of supplies for the day.
To participate in this event, please register on our Rotary Team website
“Rotary NY Joining Hands”:
Once signed up, through the team mailing list you will get more detailed information about the event, location and how to get there, etc. once we are getting closer to the event date. If you have any questions, please email to
Looking forward to another fun NEW YORK CARES DAY event!