District Governor Helen Lynch Annual Club Visit. Meeting of September 21st at the DTA. Please show Helen that we are a vibrant club with lots of ideas and interest in learning more from her. She will provide her unique perspective on how she thinks our club can grow. She will also provide insight into what the other 48 clubs in District 7230 are doing. It is a once a year event that should not be missed.
Time: 5:45pm registration starts, 6:00pm meeting starts
Place: The Downtown Association, 60 Pine Street, New York, NY
Cost: $25 per person; $20 member of Rotary Club of Wall Street
Includes: Wine, Cheese, and some snacks (soft drinks available)
Jacket Required
Subway: 2 / 3 (the closest) and 4 / 5 at Wall Street; A/C at Broadway/Nassau