In adddition to Kate Cornford, on March 21 we will have two more special guests.
Alec Fokapu of Labadens Private Equity. Labadens is a non-profit organization specializing in venture capital funding for high-potential entrepreneurs in Africa. He will speak about his projects which have an emphasis on social and enviromental impacts.
Meet representatives from 2012 Open World Team from the Ukraine. This year’s team consists of six environmentalists, representing both the government and non-government organizations from the Ukraine.
Wednesday, March 21
Time: 5:45pm registration starts, 6:00pm meeting starts
Place: The Downtown Association, 60 Pine Street
Cost: $25 per person; $20 member of Rotary Club of Wall Street
Includes: Wine, Cheese, and some snacks (soft drinks available)
Business dress required (no jeans)