The Rotary Club of Wall Street is seeking skiers in our group to participate in ski trips in January, February, and March. We have several options available, ranging from single-day trips to holiday weekends. There are packages that include bus transportation, lodging, some meals and access to group rates for ski rental and lift tickets. Participants get to enjoy fellowship with other RCWS members as well as the possibility to link up with the local Rotary clubs (e.g. in Killington and Stowe, VT). Interested parties please contact the ski committee (Adolfo Villeta, Winfried Schmitz, and Sven Dietrich) by clicking here to fill out the form.
Please review the following options and discuss with the Chairmen (Co-chairs Sven, Adolfo, Winfried).
A $100 deposit is required for the SSCNY trips. Refund policy: more than 10 days before: deposit minus $20; less than 10 days: you’re responsible for the entire cost of the trip if the spot can’t be filled from a waiting list.
January 13-16, 2012 (3 DAY TRIP)
MLK Weekend at Killington, VT at the Mountain Inn
Base Price: $450, plus lift tickets (approx $170 for 3 days) and ski rental (approx $78), helmet rental (approx $21) and lessons ($34/day). Includes 3 breakfasts. Double oocupancy room. Possible linkup with local Rotarians at Killington.
February 17-20, 2012 (3 DAY TRIP)
President’s Weekend at Stowe, VT at the Commodores Inn.
Base Price $485, plus lift tickets (approx $170 for 3 days) and ski rental (approx $78), helmet rental (approx $21) and lessons ($34/day). Includes 3 breakfasts and 2 dinners. Double oocupancy room. Possible meetup with local Rotarians at Stowe.
March 2-4, 2012 (2 DAY TRIP)
Stratton, VT … The Inn at Stratton Mountain
Base Price $400 incl. 2-day lift tickets, plus ski rental (approx $78), helmet rental (approx $21) and lessons ($34/day). Includes 2 breakfasts.
Double oocupancy room. No Rotary Club in Stratton.
Day Trips to Hunter, NY; Windham, NY; Mt. Snow, VT; Killington, VT; and Okemo, VT. Base Price is $75 to$85 NY and $85 to $99 VT, plus $30 rentals.
Snow Board Express (Associated with Emilio’s)
3 Two Day Trips to Killington, VT: January 7-8; February 4-5; and March 3-4.
Base Price $275.00 Quad occupancy room; $285.00 Triple; $295.00 Double; and $345.00 Single, plus $30 Rentals.
Adolfo’s Smugglers Notch Trip (4 Day Trip)
Last weekend in February (specific dates to be announced soon, either departing Wednesday afternoon/returning Sunday Evening OR departing Thursday afternoon/returning Monday evening)
Base Price about $350, includes Condo and lift tickets (the price per person and size of the Condo, w/fully equipped kitchen, depends on the number of people), plus transportation and rentals (rentals are about $25 or $30 per day).
Individual Day Trips to Hunter and Windham
Base Price $100/day including bus trip and lift tickets, plus rentals: (Daily rates at Hunter are $39 or $55 if performance equipment) (Daily Rates at Windham are $40 or $50 if Performance Equipment or $24 or $30 for skis only (no boot or pole)).
Click here to fill out the form and get more info.