Update on Dea

As you may know, our club has sponsored one child for life saving heart operation through Gift of Life program. Dea (an eight year-old girl) and her mother Ajshe arrived a couple of weeks ago from Kosovo and her heart operation took place on last Wednesday, which lasted almost seven hours. Dea’s operation was successful and she has made a tremendous progress over the past several days. As the result, she was released from the hospital on Sunday afternoon and is staying with a host family in Riverdale during her post operation recovery.
Although Dea is out of the hospital, she still has a long way to go. As the host club, it is important to show our support. Please take the time to visit Dea and Ajshe, get to know them, and let them know that they are not alone in this process. Since Dea cannot have too many visitors at once, we need to coordinate the visits with the host family. Please contact us with the date and the approximate time that you would like to visit.